Alex & Manon’s biography
Manon Perrier was born in Sarlat in 1987 and Alexandre Guilmart in Angers in 1984. The young artists both have an atypical career and a personal artistic approach.
Manon comes from a family of creative craftsmen, which led her to design herself very early on. Close to nature, she shares her life between the love of the horses and her passion for art. Versatile and self-taught artist, she has never stopped creating, she practices clay modeling, cement, painting and live performance before learning about welding.
Alex has been passionate about drawings since childhood, after studying comics at the Pivaut School in Nantes, he travels as many cities as he has professions (card dealer, magician, illustrator, tattoo artist) before discovering sculpture near his hometown.
It is during the realization of his first sculpture project for the Helfest in a collective where Manon is preparing an exhibition, that the future couple meet …
Manon teaches Alex to weld and Alex enters Manon’s dance, that of sculpture … For 3 years, they create relentlessly, feeding on each other; their creativity explodes. They develop their own approach to metal, diverting tools to serve their art. They mix their ideas and their knowledge so well that they become one.
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